Re:Zero The Fall Of...
By ExeonMegetsu
  • Fanfiction
  • demons
  • emilia
  • fanmade
  • forfun
  • originalcharacters
  • ram
  • rem
  • subaru
  • temporary
  • work-in-progress


The story will take place after the first fan story. Zigfreed one of the Four Demon Lords/God that was defeated by Kajah and Subaru, was only one of four powerful demon rulers. We will see how Subaru and Kajah will defeat the remaining three. That's is if they can deal with more powerful demon gods. This is the sum of the story. Yes I have been working on this in my head while working on my own original story lol. My mind is constantly working as well as my character designs for both the 3 parts to this little fun story and my large original story. I will have to draw the Cover to this once I have decided who they will take on first. The main and most powerful demon of the 4 is Genesis. While I continue designing and creating the story I shall wait for the second season of Re:Zero to finish so I may tie them together with an interesting end and make both this story and the original story basically fit. This is a little challenge I wanna try to do just to see how ppl might react to it. Who knows maybe it will get attention from the creator of Mr. Nagasuki Lol. (dw I'm jk It won't) Anyway this is all in fun so be ready for both Kajah and Subaru to receive new powers to take on the new Demon Gods and their more powerful Warriors. Oh almost forgot each cover will show the new Demon god they will face. I hope u all can understand it will take time as it's just me doing all this ^~^; Anyway I hope to get this started as soon as season 2 is finished. Thanks to every support and reading the first fan story. I wasn't expecting so many ppl to read it O.O. Well that's all for now if anyone reads this sorry for the long paragraph >-<;

Work in Progress update

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Re:Zero T...
by ExeonMegetsu