Like Those Foreign...
By yelenasgf
  • Fanfiction
  • aotfanfic
  • aotxreader
  • attackontitan
  • leviackerman
  • leviackermann
  • leviackermannxreader
  • leviackermanxreader
  • leviheichou
  • levixreader
  • zeke
  • zekejeager
  • zekejeagerxreader
  • zekexreader
  • zekeyeager
  • zekeyeagerxreader


Good News: this is now up on my Tumblr (peanutbuttermandms) if you find it easier reading over there. So hop on over there and have fun⊂((・▽・))⊃ ok so this is a zeke x reader with a little bit of levi x reader sprinkled in here and there And it has SPOILERS for Season 2 Ep 1/Chapter 35 and so on I try to include all races and genders in my writing so lmk if ive made an error thats really specific for a certain race or gender WARNINGS: angst, language, death, ptsd, ptsd episodes, reader has Teratophilia (idk if that's a trigger warning), discrimination I think, yknow the rest, the usual stuff in aot ngl I def stole that title from auideas on tumblr cover by otaku_0109 on Twitter Songs I listened to while writing this: allem iversom - moon jhove - for you w/trxxshed tysu - happysad w/TiesxBonds E I S U - wallflower w/tapei BVG x towerz - better days R.E.G! - Autumn Nights Ayh Okay - ive been lost Nohone - Quiet Saturday Night WYS - Darling (ft. ease.) furino - velvet ENRA - Virginia Sorry the chapters are short like my attention span gotta do my duolingo Spanish lessons now, gotta blast

Chapter 1: Safe Haven

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Like Thos...
by yelenasgf