Seven Realms
By SushiRoll25
  • Adventure
  • action
  • adventure
  • arrogant
  • darknessandlight
  • elves
  • evil
  • fiction
  • hatelove
  • loss
  • love
  • maturelanguage
  • readplease
  • romannce


This is not a damsel in distress type of story!! Elise is a total badass heroine! If you're not in to that type of story, this might not be the book for you. "You are going to be mine one day Elise." Tarek told me taking my hand as we took our daily walk to the Far grounds. "I will be no such thing Tarek! I am only 12, you are 16 and you smell like a foul beast! I could never see myself married to someone as distasteful as you!" I retorted as if I was the high Princess but he knew I was lying. I had been in love with Tarek for as long as I could ever remember. He has been by my side since I was a baby and he never let any of the other boys pick on me. If anyone dared cross him he'd pummel them to the ground. Tarek was one of the strongest in Panesh, we all thought he would be called on by the High King to try out for the Royal Gaurd, he had been training for it since he was knee high. The lands had begun to change within the recent days and the beautiful blue skies had begun to grow dark. We were reassured by the King it was nothing and his council had already taken precautionary measures. Panesh was a pleasant realm where creatures of all races grew and lived together. Oft times when we went to the Fae grounds they could be seen for miles flitting about playing in the flowers. When we arrived however, not a single Fae was in sight. "Piani! Rali!" I called out to my two closest Fae friends. I turned in a slow circle not understanding where all the Fae could be. "I think we need to leave." Tarek called his voice sounding low and foreboding. I turned to look at him catching where his sight directed. "What is that?" I asked quietly. ***This novel does have mature scenes but warnings of when to skip!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•This story came from the brain of Rebecca Adams please don't steal my idea or I will find you!!!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

Chapter 1

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Seven Rea...
by SushiRoll25