The Emperor and the...
By MarLouieVincentReyes
  • Romance
  • heroism
  • power
  • sacrifice
  • secrets


To the readers of this story, Ever wondered of the Old World united as one Empire? Ever thought of a utopia that once existed before? If that were history, then it's only pure fiction. But I write in the name of ideals, I write to give glory and praise to Truth and Justice, to Freedom, to Friendship, to Unity, to Hope and to Love. I write of old ideals, the Way of Ancients and Heroes alike. But above all, I write for my belief in God, who gives me great strength in writing my thoughts in paper. I desire to inspire the minds who require it so. The past we shall explore, the past we shall see with our eyes. Look further with the eyes of faith the real message behind the exploits of a man who never existed except in the minds and hearts of every person who desire to believe he would, in this or his or any era. The hopes and dreams of idealists are embodied in this well-known, desirable yet mysterious and humbling individual. Now let us see where his own dreams take us, to the world he loved more than himself, to the world he wanted to change for the better. ML Vincent Reyes ALL RIGHTS RESERVED @2014 MLVINCENTREYES

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The Emper...
by MarLouieVincentReyes