The Cold Wind Blows...
By Lumbiepie
  • Short Story
  • cancerpatient
  • christmas
  • christmas2020
  • family
  • familylove
  • father-daughter
  • fatherlylove
  • furries
  • holiday
  • merrychristmas
  • parentallove
  • sadness
  • shortstory
  • story
  • winter


This year, has been very chaotic and disastrous to say the least. And Christmas for this year, bears no exception to that. Usually, it's the time of friends and family, the time of joy, the time of peace, the time with a believed spiritual or malevolent being. But this time, it just feels empty. This time, it feels like a tally, a tally of who's left in your circle, who's left in your family, who you could still see, hear and touch. From this, I can't emphasize anymore bigger the importance of gratefulness. Before, we treat people we love as permanent beings. But after this year, we need to know, they aren't permanent, that hey are also vulnerable to many things, and the fact we could see their colored eyes, bodies filled with life, spend your time with them, hear their voices... it's something we can't waste anymore...

The Cold Wind Blows The Lamp's Dying Flame

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The Cold...
by Lumbiepie