A Rising Star
By Mangofilledwithstuff
  • Fanfiction
  • ballet
  • bestfriends
  • catradora
  • catra×adora
  • competition
  • conflict
  • cute
  • dance
  • danceart
  • fluff
  • girlslove
  • girl×girl
  • g×g
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • lgbtq
  • pride
  • she-ra


The pas de deux its the cenerpiece of every ballet. The duet serves as the axis around witch the dance revolves. the duet requires perfect synchrony, two bodies that blend together and breathe together. A costant search for ever-changing balance requires sacrifice . Each partener on stage dances for something bigger than the duet. In execution there is only one thing that matters; trust. For the partener a misstep, the slightest tremor and in an instant the shape decomposes, the harmony breakes and your partener goes down with you. But a good dancer does everything to prevent the other from falling. The trust between you is unspoken, sacred, generates a bond that no one else can understand, but just supporting your partener doesn't mean someone else won't fall. It means that the one who's falling is you. Will Catra be able to forgive Adora? Will Adora be able to reveal the truth to Catra? Will they be able not to lose their balance and carry on the performance to the climax? Maybe ballet isn't just a performance. Maybe it's their own life told by a Victorian London serial killer.


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A Rising...
by Mangofilledwithstuff