Becoming Raven
By BellaBerry00
  • Werewolf
  • beinghuman
  • change
  • death
  • drama
  • dreams
  • evil
  • fiction
  • fullmoon
  • hunter
  • lies
  • mate
  • pack
  • paranormal
  • powerful
  • romance
  • supernatural
  • truthbetold
  • werewolf
  • wolves


There's a figure at the end of the room. I can't see him. It's- it's too dark. The sound of heavy footsteps grows closer. I blink a few times, my vision adjusting to the darkness until I see a tall shadowy figure approaching me. There's something in his hand, but it's too dark to make out. Am I dreaming? Am I awake? I don't know, but I want to wake up. "Come on, did you forget? I always get what I want," A deep voice chuckles, "even if I have to slit their throat to get it." My breath comes out in short spurts, I feel like I know this person but from where? It doesn't matter. All I know is that I'm going to die. ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ ۞ Raven Brooks always thought that she was like any other average teenager that struggles to find her purpose in the world. However, Raven's the furthest from being average. After losing her mother in a car accident six months ago and her father's immediate disappearance, Raven questions everything she's ever known. Faced with the possibility of her and her brother being wrenched away from their lives and placed into the hands of strangers who suddenly appeared after their parents were gone, claiming to be family. When Raven dreams about a faceless guy who keeps reappearing - leaving clues and ending with the same message: "Trust nobody, the only place that is safe is your mind." Something isn't adding up and she's being lied to. Things continue to get stranger for Raven, her ex-boyfriend returns to school with a shady agenda and a new transfer student takes a sudden fascination for Raven. Throughout this odd journey, Raven discovers that not all monsters are myths and in order to learn the truth about her parents she has to accept the blood flowing through her veins. She doesn't know who to trust now that her parents are gone. After all, people can always be deceiving; it just takes a wolf in sheep's clothing.


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by BellaBerry00