Voices for the past...
By maryngr
  • Teen Fiction


Maliya knows about the souls. Everyone has them. You have one for each year you're alive. Maliya has 15. Hers is dominant. There are others she sometimes hears, but not for very long. There are some people, the ones with many dominant souls. They are called the Ruined. If you're a Ruined, it means your souls are working against each other. You can have souls that see the past, like reincarnation, some that see the present, like a conscience, and some that see the future. Being a Ruined means the government has labeled you as dangerous. Simon is a Ruined. He has 15 souls and 5 are fighting for control. When Maliya and Simon meet, all hell could break loose. They are destine to be together and with all the events happening, destiny will be revealed. Yet, some very powerful people have jobs to do. Maliya and Simon are never to meet. No matter the situation.

Chapter 1

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Voices fo...
by maryngr