The Girl with the B...
By kaylie_duda
  • Werewolf
  • alpha
  • drama
  • fiction
  • highschool
  • mate
  • mates
  • pack
  • packdrama
  • rogues
  • romance
  • teen
  • werewolf


Evans. In the Werewolf community, Evans is a well-known name. If you knew someone with the last name of Evans, you knew that you know someone that had power, and was respected but at the same time was caring, honest, and humble. The Evans' had the perfect family. Everyone knows it. Or at least did. The attacks came in rounds, the familys perfect aura slowly came crumbling down, along with their pack. The eldest child, Blake, died at the hands of rouges with silver tipped claws. Hung up with grief, the pack was in a state of vulnerability and was attacked over and over again. The Alpha's family and a few other stray pack member were the only ones that made it out from the constant attacks alive. But the pack itself, it was gone. Having to relocate to a new pack was going to be hard, especially because the family had Alpha blood and did not take kindly to being told what to do. Brianna Evans is sarcastic, a bit anti-social, and has natural blue highlights in her hair. She doesn't like standing out and would much rather blend in with the crowd. She will have to get over that though, when she finds out that she is mated to her new Alpha's son.


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The Girl...
by kaylie_duda