So, you've opened the book, The Cat Who Knew How to Cry, and found yourself in Enhiarg. You quickly found your bearings, figured out what's what, and now feel like a kid in a candy store. Sound about right? Excellent! Then I'm happy to tell you that I've got another treat for you, a delectable one that still packs quite a punch - A Theater for Shadows. I hope you'll like it! However, if you found Cat to be a hard nut to crack, you may find this guide beneficial. It will help to make sense of many lingering questions. For instance, how is "soul" different from "spirit"? Who is the Infinite? Are not the Nae divine? Why is the Abyss such a free-for-all? Who are the Alae, Tanae, and so on? And how do you keep from drowning in the vibrant madness of this extraordinary world, anyway? Happy reading! Genre: Fantasy/Random Translated by Mark Berelekhis.
1. Enhiarg (as a soulcentric setting)