Whoever it was that said that money can't buy you happiness had hit the nail smack dab on its head. Ellis Carmichael had made his millions before the age of twenty. His patented internet site, was almost an overnight success. It was the main go to social site for gay men to meet and mingle; a very exclusive member's only website where the gay and bi-curious Sugar Daddies discreetly used to hook up with the Sugar Babies of their dreams. Now, a little over ten years later with thousands of matches made, making Ellis one of the wealthiest bachelors out there. He is now 34 years old, still single, and feeling very much alone at the top of his world. Ellis' mood took a nosedive with the realization that the holidays fast approaching and with it came all the festivities that just seemed to rub salt deeper into the gaping wound of his lonely heart. Especially Christmas, a day that only served to remind him of just how alone he was and he vowed to skip the tortuous celebrations this year altogether. All those happy people putting themselves in debt buying gifts, all the music and decorations, and especially all the happy couples and loving families on every corner you turn. That was Ellis' plan until one frigid evening after leaving his office; his driver and car nearly plowed over a little vagrant with stunning green eyes trying to cross the busy city street. Ellis' heart may be a little jaded but he was human, and he stopped to make sure that the boy who was literally swimming in his much larger threadbare jacket was uninjured. The little beauty was protectively clutching a little collection pot for the homeless. And something inside of Ellis had to make sure the young man was alright. Little did Ellis realize that he has just run into his Christmas Miracle...There will be no Bah Humbug for him or his little green eyed elf this year.
Bah Humbug (manxman) A Christmas Romance NanoWrimo 2014