A Summer Story
By BLUEEEpancakes
  • Fanfiction
  • akihiko
  • angst
  • anime
  • fanfic
  • given
  • givenanime
  • guitar
  • haruhiko
  • haruki
  • mafuyu
  • mafuyusato
  • ritsufuyu
  • uenoyama
  • uenoyamaritsuka
  • yuki


This is the story of one summer, one afternoon. _________ He stared at his kind face, fixing his eyes on the other's, and he couldn't help but feel warmth spread out in his body, his honey eyes full of love. He couldn't help but want to give him everything. He couldn't help but embrace him in his arms. He couldn't help but miss him. This is after the anime, so no manga spoilers. The only reference to the manga is one side character who isn't really important as to the plot. All character rights belong to Natsuki Kizu, the author of Given. The plot is mine. There is no smut whatsoever, and it does not contain any particularly sensitive topic (except for what is already in the anime) ©2021. All rights reserved to @BLUEEEpancakes There are no Author's Notes (A/N) unless necessary. I would be very grateful for any constructive criticism in the comments. Updates might be irregular. It is estimated this story will be around 10 chapters. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

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A Summer...
by BLUEEEpancakes