The Rage Eater
By ColinJFleming
  • Fantasy
  • action
  • action-adventure
  • adventure
  • animals
  • castle
  • fantasy
  • friendship
  • magic
  • middle
  • middlegrade
  • orcs
  • school
  • wizards


RAMPAGING ORCS. SAVAGE BEASTLIES. AND... STUDENTS? In the heart of a Kingdom on the verge of another long and brutal war lies Barrett's Academy, an elite boarding school where the sons and daughters of the ruling clans study alchemy, medicine, and battle. There, each student is given a beastly, a child's closest companion and most trusted ally. A beastly might be a savage bull, a bloodthirsty hyena, or even a gentle healing monkey. Some can fight, some can talk, but all are fiercely loyal. Our hero, Sadie Lynch, desperately wants a beastly. She wants to train at the Academy, so she can grow up to become a Warrior and lead armies against the orcs. But Sadie Lynch is no noble. She's a taverner's daughter, which means if she wants to join Barrett's Academy, she'll need a scholarship. Plus, she soon learns that anger triggers her magical power: fire. That may sound exciting, but for her, it's terrifying. Because in this world, magic isn't fun and whimsical; it's a weapon of war, wielded by wizards and priestesses, not little girls. So, if Sadie wants to survive amongst the Kingdom's elite, she must learn to repress the rage that could unleash hell at any moment... *Updated daily.* **Also, I want to give a shout out to Leah McPherson, the first kid to read my book. You rock, Leah!**

Chapter 1: Flames of Rage

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The Rage...
by ColinJFleming