The Lost and Found
By bssskt0069
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From where I stand now, it sounded quite funny how it got us together. I have secrets. A past - crappy one. My father left me and my Mom. And sure I was devastated but screw life and people, I don't give a fuck. But then he happened. He walked into my life. Well, he walked into detention rather, lied his way - our way - out of detention. That's how it all started. I don't believe in love. Nor does he. Why should I? It's the Epitome of Bullshit. It doesn't exist. I don't know what made him like that but apparently, I'm not the only one in this state. He is too. He drives me crazy. He captures my attention and soon, not only that. But also my heart. I was lost but apparently so is he. Was. Now? Not anymore. I was lost. He was lost. But he happened and walked into my life. And yeah, I did too. We were once reckless and little troublemakers - we still are. But we were also people looking for someone to hold on. We are The Lost and Found. by cr7lm18hk4


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The Lost...
by bssskt0069