Together {Liam and...
By Zayniac420
  • Fanfiction


It was when the boys were on tour when it all happened. Liam and Louis seemed to have obtained the flu at the same time. As people say, it started good but ended with a bang. It was the same thing for all the boys, but the bang that they ended with was not the one they wanted. This book is about when Liam and Louis get the flu at the same time while they are on tour and the rest of the boys help them recover while they all battle management trying to keep them working even though they are not well enough. I hope you have fun reading my book! I do requests but I only do bromances about One Direction. (No children, no other women or other men but one of the boys in the band.) And each request will be its own separate book with multiple chapters. It means the world to see people actually reading my things so thank you!

Ch.1 Rest it Up

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by Zayniac420