Clarke Griffin x fe...
By NightRipa1
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  • xaniakane


Xania was treated as an outcast because of the color of her blood. Her father Marcus Kane wasn't the best at being a father. She didn't know who her mother was she died at birth. Xania heard stories from those around the arc about how her Mother was the descendants form the last people on earth. You could say that made her slightly proud of her bloodline. After years of trying to make peace with her father fact that he would never love her as much as he loved his job. Xania hated her name it made her feel like an alien. Although to some she was. The fact that she was Top class and her father was the first under the Chancellor didn't change the fact that she would get food thrown at her in Cafetira or get yelled at in the hallways because of her blood color. Clarke Griffin x Fem Oc

Everyone roles!

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Clarke Gr...
by NightRipa1