Unexpected Bargain
By LLThomsen
  • Fantasy
  • deepcharacters
  • demons
  • epicfantasy
  • gods
  • highfantasy
  • kickassheroine
  • magic
  • nafantasy
  • nĂ 
  • quest
  • romance
  • serial


For millennia, the twins have been aided by just three things to prevent the mad gods from returning to realms of Dallancea: the magic, the ancient astrolabe, and the Veils. But not anymore. A betrayal from the highest place has left the the magic in mangled disrepair, the destructive event so powerful that it also sundered the ancient astrolabe, scattering the pieces across the realms. Now, with the protective Veils fading, Malandar - Guardian and jaded immortal mage - must quest to locate the twins before the allies of Chaos. But in the realm of Ostravah, nothing is what it was. Malandar must rethink his strategy - and his morals - if he is to succeed, but old oaths are not so easily discarded. Particularly not when they were sworn in blood and with a dying breath to the very creator Himself. At the same time, in the western city of Zanzier, Solancei, life-shield and friend of Princess Iambre, has disappeared under mysterious circumstances after partaking in an illegal duel. There is something foul afoot in Zanzier, but Iambre cannot pinpoint her unease and having been at odds with Solancei over her own unhealthy fascination with the Captain of her guard, is it just possible that her friend has simply 'vanished' to teach her lesson? Iambre does not know what to believe. Her head is in a tangle it seems - something not made easier as said Captain of her guard is about to throw her world even further off kilter. However, Iambre's instincts are rarely wrong. And they tell her Solancei is in trouble... Meanwhile, Solancei awakens imprisoned in a dark dungeon. Her trials have just begun in a ruthless game that could cost her everything - including her own life, and Iambre's...

The Story So Far

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by LLThomsen