The Not-So-Quite-Lo...
By ChocolateCappuccino_
  • Teen Fiction
  • abuse
  • drugs
  • gangs
  • general
  • love
  • teenagers
  • teenfiction
  • triangle


Claris Jacobsen may have the demeanour of a normal 16 year old girl. But In reality, she's anything but. Claris' fake smiles and fierce attitude is just another shield she puts up to protect herself from the dangers of the world, one of them being Ethan Rivers. Ethan's your quintessential bad boy- Hot and rebellious. He's the guy with the motorcycle all girls want a ride on; He's the guy all girls want to date. But Ethan doesn't do commitment, not when he's someone close to him. That's when he came to the painful conclusion that people do leave you, whether they mean to or not. Ethan and Claris both share a passionate dislike for each other. So what happens when they get paired up for an English project? What happens when a third person gets thrown into the mix and it just so happens to be Ethan's worst enemy? Find out in., The Not-So-Quite-Love-Story Story

Chapter 1- "Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, Ethan Rivers"

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The Not-S...
by ChocolateCappuccino_