Incognito ¦ A Conf...
By BrownHousehold
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No matter what our nationality is, no matter what religion we belong to, the one fact which is the most important, is that we are humans. And as humans, we have this general tendency to do certain things which we either regret later on, or laugh on it like a maniac. And most of the times, such things remain hidden to the world, right? But, now is the time to CONFESS it all! We, here at BrownHousehold have come up to redefine one of the most used sayings, "Sharing is Caring". This time, it will be you who would be confessing and sharing your hidden thoughts and actions, (be it regretful, emotional, funny, or thoughtful); and it would be us, who would be caring for you by giving you a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen to, eyes to cry along with you, and a mouth to laugh and make you laugh along. But yes, since everybody's privacy concerns are our top priorities, they would definitely be taken care of by keeping all the guests anonymous. With a hope to bring positivity all around by eliminating tensions and regrets, and spreading guidance and happiness, we introduce before you- "Incognito | A Confessions Book". Jump in, to know more about it. Written by @pahul_gpk Cover by @virat_arijit18


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by BrownHousehold