Our average zombie...
By wutdoyoumean
  • Horror
  • cutiematt
  • humor
  • ikill
  • random
  • zombie


Well, my name is Sienna Kent, yes yes weird name I know, but that's not the real story here. It all started on 10/7/14 as I finally arrived in America with my best friends Calum and Ali. 17 and on holidays we went to the hotel to find that a patient escaped from the new lab and was infecting everyone, (might I say very cliche in deed) but the real horror (to me at least) was that our room was occupied by the undead as they were raging around like cant they at least kill them!? Well at least I do. We meet new survivors along with a little 6 year old named Sally which I think is short for she-demon, along with Matt the gorgeous eye candy and others. Just our average zombie filled days.

The Most Cliche Bit Of All

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Our avera...
by wutdoyoumean