All That Glitters i...
By TheresaSaintsational
  • Fanfiction
  • bellaswan
  • edwardcullen
  • fanfiction
  • jacobblack
  • paullahote
  • twilight
  • vampires
  • werewolves


When Renee left Charlie he was so lost in his heartbreak. He did what many red blooded men have done. He drank to forget her. While drunk he slept with someone he'd just met and she fell pregnant. She died during childbirth and so was born Bella's half sister. Only this woman wasn't human. She was a legend in Asian culture. Her daughter will be just what the Quileute Pack needs, what Bella and Charlie will need, and the Cullen's. She will bring peace. In my story there will be no bashing. I don't do that. I like empowering. Also, Bella and Edward aren't mates. In my imagination supernatural mates can't be apart from each other. Which would explain Bella's reaction but not Edward's ability to leave her. So, no they're not mates. I'll be playing their destiny out differently. Paul Lahote is Rosa's mate who is Bella's half sister. Rosa will be the same age as Jacob as she's obviously younger than Bella. I'll have Jacob and her at 17, Bella 18, as is Paul. I didn't want too much of an age gap so that my protagonist can turn 18 soon and thus it'll be ok for these two to be together. I'll be changing the time line up to fit my story so things won't happen as they did or might not even happen at all. And as always, Twilight plots and characters belong to Stephanie Meyer. But the things I plot that aren't from her books or any characters I create such as my protagonist belong to me. Also, credit to Jeff Davis and Christian Taylor as I borrowed something from a specific character in Teen Wolf. Won't say what, you have to read to know. 🤷‍♀️


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All That...
by TheresaSaintsational