Stisaac Love Story
By Pariswal
  • Werewolf
  • teen
  • werewolf


Stiles has been sucked into a supernatural life with supernatural creatures and every other thing that is supernatural and he is the brains is of the pack because he helped Scott with his first transformation then he was first bitten. He had been helping him with it everyone goes to him for answers. Then theirs baby Isaac a werewolf who had chosen to be bitten because he was living with a abusive father. Isaac lives with Derek Cora Peter Erica and Boyd because he has no where else to go. Stiles is like the pack mom in all of this because everyone goes to him for comfort but his not. Isaac has nightmares of his past and Stiles just hugs him back to sleep. They are close and no one understand why. They always have their pack meetings in Derek's loft because it is bigger. Everyone is gone and Stiles and Isaac are the only ones that are still in the loft, they start looking at each other them they kiss that leads to sex. They carry on having sex, more closer. Isaac finds out that his mate is Stiles, to make the matting they have to have sex and Isaac has to bite Stiles. Stiles then turns into a werewolf.

Chapter One: Stiles Pack Mom Sort Of

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Stisaac L...
by Pariswal