Izuku is a Therapis...
By Passing_Ghost_Friend
  • Fanfiction
  • bnha
  • bokunoheroacademia
  • chisakikai
  • chronostasis
  • deku
  • harikurono
  • izuku
  • mha
  • midoriyaizuku
  • myheroacademia
  • overhaul
  • shiehassaki
  • texttospeech
  • therapist
  • yakuza


The sequel to Izuku is a Therapist For Villains. This time in the reform program. Izuku has to deal with the eleven members of the yakuza that his friends (both hero and villain) had to fight at one point in their lives. Izuku becomes a therapist for each and every yakuza member of the Shie Hassaki. And they don't know exactly how to feel about the weird, overly nice therapist. And just like last time, they are treated to a sort of rehab facility in the middle of nowhere to try and reform them. If they fail the reform, they go back to jail. And from the looks of it, they won't be as easy dealt with then the League of Villains.

Midoriya Introduces Himself

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Izuku is...
by Passing_Ghost_Friend