The Awakening [Hell...
By lustenvy
  • Fantasy
  • academy
  • action
  • adventure
  • dead
  • fantasy
  • funny
  • ghost
  • humor
  • humour
  • lustenvy
  • murder
  • pentagram
  • romance
  • supernatural
  • undead


"The mutilated corpse of University student, Synthia Holloway was found earlier this morning buried beneath a pile of rubble at the Old Deboise Mansion, the investigation is pending." • • • My memory was fractured glass, shattered shards a glimpse into my past, a sharp sting of feeling longing to fade away. • • • Synthia Holloway was murdered at the age of nineteen, destined to haunt the halls of the house her mutilated body was found in. Years have passed and Synthia still lingers inside those debilitated walls, counting the cracks in the floor and the species that pass through the perpetually swinging door. All her life, Synthia knew only of humans existence - until the day she died. When her heart stopped beating, her eyes finally opened to the species that walked the earth, the door to another world ripped open and sewn shut in milliseconds, of the plague that slowly crept up to the humans doorsteps. The creatures were taking over and Synthia didn't give one flying fuck. After all, why should a dead girl care what happens to the world? Until four handsome monsters move into her resting place and suddenly they can see her, feel her and also . . . Try to kill her. Until they figure out she isn't just any ghost, but a supernatural just like them. Now she has to attend Hellbound Academy and try to figure out what powers now run through her veins before all hell breaks loose. Literally. Yet the sexy Lycan, the two damaged incubus and a Professor that can't stand to be near her are somehow tied to her powers. And if she doesn't figure out how to unblock them, she's dead. For real, this time.


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The Awake...
by lustenvy