Last Sunrise Dark V...
By DarkWhimsicalArt
  • Horror
  • alien-abduction
  • bloodsucker
  • bloodthirsty
  • completed
  • creepy
  • dhampir
  • featured
  • gypsy
  • notafanfic
  • notfanfiction
  • original
  • originalcharacter
  • paranormal
  • scary
  • science-fantasy
  • vampire
  • vampirehunters
  • vampireromance
  • vampires


Life gets crazy for single mom, Cosima, when she encounters a shadow man in a dark alley. After being frightened to death by him, the situation doesn't get better when a crazed woman breaks into her home and tries to kill her. She wakes up in the hospital to find the man she went on one date with at her side with a wild story to tell. Cosima's date, Jeffery, gives her bad news. A vampire bit her and she will soon become a vampire herself. He wants her to leave her life behind to chase a cure before vampire hunters find them and kill them. Oh, and by the way, his crazy ex vampire girlfriend is the one who bit her and is also after them. Cosima wanted excitement in her life, but a secret world of vampires wasn't what she had in mind. Just as she thinks she might get her life back, a bigger world shattering problem is hinted, one humanity can't ignore. Last Sunrise is an 85,000 word vampire horror novel. I set the book in the present day where vampires, reincarnation, and aliens are real. I outlined but not yet wrote books two and three. The current name of the trilogy is The Sixth Extinction Event Trilogy. This time around, the cataclysm is us.

Work of Fiction

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Last Sunr...
by DarkWhimsicalArt