Violet Winds (Speci...
By FadingEchosStoryes
  • Romance
  • backstory
  • cute
  • fadinechosstoryes
  • fadingechosstories
  • hickorypelt
  • lesbian
  • lgtb
  • mountainwind
  • one-eye
  • violetslash


Violetkit was never one to settle down. Someone of her age would be expected to fall in with normal Clan life without another care in the world. From Violetpaw to Violetslash, she only wants to be leader and often considers unfair shortcuts. Her restless ambition is briefly put to sleep when she falls for her new apprentice. But a goal like leadership can't stay trapped inside of her forever. As a lost, abandoned kit, Mountain no longer has a purpose. She just wanders around the place until she finds herself on a beautiful moorland and is discovered by the strange cats who call themselves WindClan. Given her stubborn potential, Brickstar appoints Violetslash as her mentor, who as she trains with, captures her heart. But of course Violetslash is evil. And prophecies don't allow relationships between the good and the bad, so what can she do?

Author's note

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Violet Wi...
by FadingEchosStoryes