For the richest man in the country, his wife .. namely me .. is just another property of his that he absolutely refuses to sell or forfeit. Even after 3 years of separation, getting a divorce from him is still an impossible task to accomplish! I have by all means refused to contact him.. and he didn't bother to contact me as well. but why is it when I finally decided to find another man to love and live happily with my ex cold husband turned into someone I never met before. could I have been mistaken about him all along ? #1 separation 01/10/2021 ( 01 octobre ) #1 richmalelead #1 arranged 14/04/2021 (14 avril) #1 regret 06/04/2021 ( 06 avril ) #1 hesitation 18/04/2021 ( 18 avril ) #1 exhusband 02/05/2021 ( 02 mai ) #1 complicatedrelationships 11/06/2021 ( 11 juin ) #1 misunderstanding 22/09/2021 ( 22 septembre ) #1 jealous 19/10/2021 ( 19 octobre ) #2 marriage 09/02/2022 ( 09 fevrier ) #1 marriedlife 02/06/2022 ( 02 juin ) #1 regret 04/06/2022 (04 juin)
[ Episode 1 ]