The story revolves mostly around Yoshiki Kishinuma and Ayumi Shinozaki and as well as the rest of the gang. Yoshiki likes Ayumi, one of his classmates...One day she catches him about to smoke in the boys bathroom and gets angry at him for doing so. She tells him that they should go back to the classroom. On the way back, Yoshiki sees two other guys messing with a female student from his class and without reluctance Yoshiki steps in to defend her. She suddenly becomes more attracted to Yoshiki and starts hanging around him more and Ayumi starts to feel angry and jealous even though Yoshiki doesn't see that the girl likes him. Who is the girl Yoshiki saves? Will Ayumi soon realize she likes Yoshiki and confess? Or will Yoshiki fall for this new girl? Join Yoshiki, Ayumi, Satoshi, Morishige, Naomi, and the rest of the gang in this Romantic-Comedy adventure!