Domination mxmxmxm
By insanitywho67
  • Romance
  • abuse
  • bdsm
  • bxb
  • bxbxbxb
  • bxm
  • domination
  • hotncold
  • kitten
  • master
  • mature
  • mxm
  • mxmxmxm
  • oneshots
  • play
  • poly
  • polyamorous
  • romance
  • sub
  • texttospeech


Camryn Maxwell is a broken sub with an abusive past, just moved to a new town to hide from all his memories and mistakes. Camryn decides to make the life changing decision to move to New York with his cousin to work in her BDSM shop. Where he meets some very nice looking people. Onyx Black is a Dom in New York, he is a regular at the BDSM store Hot N Cold and is friends with the owners. Imagine what he thinks when he see's a Twink that immediately attracts his attention. Lucas Miller is the best friend and the co owner to the Law firm he owns with Onyx. He has a sub and he has always been attracted to Onyx and so has his sub. They have mutually agreed that is the opportunity presents itself then they will try to form a relationship with Onyx beyond friendship. Imagine their disappointments when Onyx announces his attraction to a small boy from their favorite BDSM shop. Santiago Rodriguez, Millers boyfriend/sub and is also extremely attracted to Onyx and when he is introduced to Camryn more feelings arise. Now don't doubt his feelings for Lucas now, he just has more room in his heart. Join everyone on their story to one happy relationship, with four hearts, four personalities, and hopefully one big happy ending. Let's just hope Camryn's past doesn't come back and fully break him. I mean his past already killed the love of his life. Read along and join the journey to a hopefully brighter future.

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by insanitywho67