A Simple Guide to K...
By hallerae_
  • Non-Fiction
  • debate
  • democracy
  • democrat
  • donaldtrump
  • joebiden
  • opinions
  • politcal
  • politics
  • republican


I have spent most of my life completely in the dark when it comes to politics. At first, I really didn't care, and then I cared, but I didn't know where to start. That is why I have written this book: for those that are completely lost when it comes to the unpredictable political climate of 2020. I will be going in depth on various key issues and providing you all of the information you need in order to form your own political opinions. I have approached all of these 8 issues from both perspectives- the left and the right- so you can choose whichever side fits you best, or find a happy-medium where you lean a little in both directions, if you so wish. Good luck, and happy reading!

The Introduction

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A Simple...
by hallerae_