Offbrand Anime Stor...
By deadspacemike
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • adventure
  • anime
  • cheating
  • crossover
  • fanfiction
  • justice
  • meme
  • ntr
  • offbrand
  • revenge
  • texttospeech


"Yes. Yes. And Yes. This is a Story, if not a bunch of One-Shot stories long one. which contain a certain amount of NTR/Cheating in certain OffBrand, Doujin, and more." "My Anger inside was building up in a uncontrollable state. that i what heard in my mind is to "Stop" or the other side of my mind is basically becoming HowtoBasic and wanted to throw some lethal stuff at those cheater, Ugly Men, Dilf and more. whatever you could think of?!" "Any Doujin? Any Offbrand Animation based off a doujin or Light Novel(Game) Think of one, you just watch? and look at the tags? You knew you like it. but having uncomfortable fluff scene and NTR happening with an Ugly Man, Old, hairy People, and a scumbag Sibling in your family. And take the MC Girl, which you find her cute. till they steal her and fluff her? NO!!!" "Enough is Enough. I know many Anime Fans, weebs?! enjoy some Offbrand to release some stress, right?" "WELL TODAY IS YOUR DAY?! READ THIS STORY I MADE TO RELEASE THOSE PAINFUL MEMORIES OUT OF YOU FREAKING HEAD. GET YOUR BIG BOY PANTS ON?! PUNCH THAT PERSON, UGLY MAN IN THE FACE SO HARD. TO GET YOUR GIRL/WAIFU IN A OFFBRAND ANIMATION, WHICH MIGHT CONTAIN NTR. NO MORE! READ IT!" -BTW. These is Fanficiton Work. Any Doujin, Offbrand Animation series belong to them. all rights reserved to them. Pure Original Work to them only. Both and -And again. . . i do not own those things . . . this is Fanfiction. Warning: This Can contain lemon also huge ton of them. Why? Because it OffBrand fluff. Noted(The Book cover): "I do not own it. It belong to Merryweather Comics. And it fitting for the setting of this story, mkay." Warning: These is 18+ Rating for some teenager or adult audience

NTR Justice: Kedamono-Tachi No Sumu Ie De Animation (Y/n/Mike X Koharu Hinomoto)

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by deadspacemike