A Talent For Findin...
By NorikoKaneshiro5
  • Fanfiction
  • cybrid
  • ikemenvampire
  • ikevamp
  • theo
  • theodorusvangogh
  • vampire


Y/n loved singing before she came to the mansion, so while she was at home waiting for Theo, one of the paintings in his room caught her eye prompting her to sing a song that seemed to fit the painting well, (the song is Stars by Skillet if you're interested), as Theo was about to enter his room he overhears y/n sing. This one shot is just Theodorus van gogh fluff from Ikemen vampire if you're interested! there are a few Dutch words (beacuse it's about Theo) but they are ones you probably already know because Theo says them a lot like Hondje = puppy/dog, knabbeltje = nibbler (I think, at least what Google translate says), Klootzak = "a hole" (I've seen it used in other Theo fanfiction so I'll use it too) and finally liefde = love. I hope you enjoy reading this! I'm sorry if there are any errors, I don't have an editor so I'm doing my best! I appreciate comments so I'd be thrilled if you wouldn't mind! Hugs!

A Talent For Finding Talent

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A Talent...
by NorikoKaneshiro5