Shigiraki x Male re...
By Elliot-the-simp
  • Fanfiction
  • enjoy
  • mha
  • shigiraki
  • villian
  • xmale


Hi changing this so imma give a little teaser to the story and im actally kinda changing and tweeking this so its better !!TW btw theres spicy things and very triggering aspects in this. This is your warning keep it in mind!!: "Hes dangerous... he reeks of depravity and the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. Though my terror I cant help but feel attracted him he looms over me and i cant help but feel small and all i can do is squirm. Anyday this man could choose to brainwash everyone and take L.O.V. from me. Whos kiding hed probably be a better leader than me. Hell he could have the city in his palm if he wanted to...but he dosent...and he dosent seem like that kind of person but i know this for sure...I cant cross this man...but you know what im even more scared of?...falling in love with him"

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by Elliot-the-simp