Never Ending Battle...
By laurybabe0062
  • Humor
  • arthit
  • arthitkongpob
  • bl
  • funny
  • humor
  • kongpob
  • kongpobarthit
  • kongpobxarthit
  • kongxarthit
  • kongy
  • krist
  • kristperawat
  • mother-in-law
  • new
  • newwie
  • peraya
  • ruanroj
  • sangpotirat
  • singto
  • singtoprachaya
  • son-in-law
  • tay
  • taynew
  • taynewwie
  • taytawan


Arthit and Kongpob have dated for three years and half and decided to finally get married. Scared of losing her son to Kongpob with how in love he seemed to be, she didn't approve of their marriage. So they came up with something which wouldn't give her any other choice than to accept them though still not content with it. After getting married, both had to move into Arthit's mom's house as she didn't want to be separated from her only son. More particularly, she is planning on getting rid of her son's husband when the time comes and for that she'll try everything just to drive him away. Arthit will have to find a way to make his mother and husband live in harmony under the same roof. #2 son-in-law, 14/01/2021

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Never End...
by laurybabe0062