Agent On Duty | MYG
By calisto_starr
  • Action
  • agent
  • bts
  • btsfanfic
  • carchase
  • crime
  • minyoongi
  • suga
  • thriller
  • undercover


"Who's up for a thrilling adventure?" she smirked looking straight ahead. I glanced at the rearview mirror as my eyes widened with fear seeing the black cars chasing us from all sides. Gunshots and screeching of tires could be heard. I turned towards the members and saw every single one of 'em scared to the roots of their hair. I struggled to remain calm despite what's going on around us. Suddenly, the rearview mirror at her side shattered causing a shrill yell to escape Hobi and Jin while her expression remained the same. "Aah, ready to play already, huh?" she muttered as a sinister smile formed on her pretty face. "Guys...seatbelt on, heads duck.. oh and toss your mobile phones out of the window please". That was no request, it was a dead command. "W-Why s-should we do t-that?" asked a totally terrified Jimin. She smirked. "Unless you want death to follow you, honey," and skillfully dodged a shower of bullets by retarding the car and swirling the steering wheel. "W-Who are you?" Namjoon asked, frightened himself but calm. She scoffed. "Is that important now? Just do what I say or you can step out of the car, big boy" Everyone silently agreed as we tossed our phones, our last hope, out of the windows. "Good!" she nodded. "Now duck and hold on" She leaned and stepped on the accelerator, shooting the car forward like a rocket. She grabbed a gun from under her hoodie and twirled it between her fingers with her concentration still fixed on the road. Her sinister smirk makes an appearance again while I gulped. "Ready guys?!!" she sneered as she pointed the gun in direction of the chasing cars. "AGENT ON DUTY" And there goes the gunshots. Cover and banner by @kpop_community


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Agent On...
by calisto_starr