Haunted Memories ||...
By nihachusxplr
  • Fanfiction
  • boyxboy
  • bxb
  • colbybrock
  • completed
  • nevernormal
  • samgolbach
  • snc
  • solby
  • solbyfanfiction
  • trapboys
  • trapgirls
  • traphouse
  • xplr


They were best friends, since they were six years old. Ten years of friendship and five years in a relationship thrown down the drain, for what? Well, that's easy: unresolved issues, left unsaid problems, quieted and looked past opinions. Now all both boys have, are shed tears, heartbreak, fifteen years gone, screamed insults leaving massive scars where they burned into each other's brains, regret, and memories. Memories haunting them everywhere they go, every step they take, everywhere they look, everything they touch or smell. They're both so broken, that the only living thing able to fix the break is each other, but both have so much regret and pain that neither will go to help the other being oblivious to the fact that that's what they both need most. They're meant to be together, but it grew toxic. Though, doesn't every relationship at some point? So what truly happened to the boys? Well, nobody knows.


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Haunted M...
by nihachusxplr