Lost In Temptation
By MyLadyOfStories
  • Fanfiction
  • amypond
  • book4
  • doctorwho
  • drwho
  • eleventhdoctor
  • myladyofstories
  • remembrance
  • riversong
  • rorywilliams
  • series6
  • silencewillfall


Have you ever wanted to know the answer to something? Been so interested in a topic that you stayed up well past your bedtime to research why something was the way it was, or if it was possible for it to ever be anything different? I have. That's why I got started, the Remembrance. I was only supposed to be the Chronicle of our History, so everyone could have the same access to learning as Time Lords did. It wasn't supposed to just be for me, or them. It was for everyone. I guess that naivety is what very quickly turned the wintry Elizabeth into the small and broken Eliza. The Remembrance of the Dead. My love of learning and Archiving quickly got turned against me when people showed what they could all do with even the simplest of things. Teach someone to make fire? They'd burn down their neighbours and rule with a red hot fist, until someone else learned and fought back. War and carnage ensues. But that's just it, isn't it? Knowledge is powerful, and it is always too tempting to misuse that power over someone lacking in it. This is the story of my brother and I, Lost in the Temptation of learning, where perhaps we went a little too deep for our own good. And one of us would say the price for the secrets to be kept.

1. Risks

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Lost In T...
by MyLadyOfStories