The Second Coming
By Book_Salad
  • Teen Fiction
  • conspiracy
  • drama
  • memory
  • religion
  • sci
  • thriller


Memoria. It is my disease. It is my gift. I live with the scenes of another life reeling in my head. They gift me with talent and curse me with knowledge. They might just be illusions-my imagination cut loose of my will. But I know I'm not crazy. And now I'm not the only one. The world has undergone the widespread pandemic known as "Memoria," and the results between victims are as diverse and as lavish as a burning shed of fireworks. Some are benefiting from it. Others have gone crazy. But everyone says the same thing: It's the memories of past lives inside their head that are driving them to these extremes. They say they were reborn. They say the dead have risen. Just as the Messiah promised. Faiths will be tested. Science will be challenged. And the world as we know it will forever change. This is the beginning of a new era. This is the second coming.


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The Secon...
by Book_Salad