Fall First
By loseurshit
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboy
  • betting
  • college
  • collegelove
  • confused
  • fallingforthebadboy
  • hatelove
  • love
  • romance
  • streetfighter
  • teenfiction
  • winner


Freshman at NYU Dylan Mann is living with her best friend Lily Turnbell. She just wants to go to college and get her degree in psychology practically unnoticed. But that all changes when she catches the attention of the bad boy street fighter Nathan Black who has a different girl is his bed every night and everyone practically bowing at his feet. Dylan has never been one to bow though, not even to her parents. Not that she's disrespectful she's just never been one to take orders well. So when Nathan Black makes a bet that she'll fall in love with him before he falls in love with her, what will happen? THIS IS FOR THE PEEPS WHO LIKE THEIR MEN SLUTTY, JEALOUS, DUMB, OBSESSIVE, AND A LITTLE BIT OF A DICK. IF THAT DOESNT SOUND LIKE YOU, THIS PROBABLY ISNT FOR YOU. k love you bye❤️ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You love me?" "Maybe." "Do you love me Dylan? Yes or no?" "Fine! Yes. Yes I love you okay? Are you happy now? I love your stupid smile, and your stupid pretty green eyes, and your stupid hair, and the stupid way it makes me feel whenever you touch me, and your stupid stupid stupid jokes that somehow always make me laugh." I take a breath and stare at him. He doesn't say anything. My heart drops. "So I guess you win, Nate. Congratulations. I love you."


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Fall First
by loseurshit