Ultraman Sacris Gai...
By V3Rider96
  • Fanfiction
  • collectionofshortstories
  • connected
  • fatherofultra
  • gaiden
  • lookscanbedecieving
  • originalultraman
  • sidestory
  • toku
  • tokusatsu
  • ultraman
  • ultramanking
  • ultramannoa
  • ultramansacred


Long ago, mankind waged war against one another with powerful beast at their stead. Until one day, a creeping darkness was born from the heavens and bloodshed which birth forth a being of pure unbridled malice. Evil men flocked to him as he combined their bodies with their beast to make them stronger but when all was lost... a being of light fell from the stars that then gave hope to those that fought against the darkness. They fought for the freedom of Earth. When it came to the final battle, the being of light and the 4 sacred beast fought the great evil and sealed it away in a rock. That was then flung deep into space to keep it away from the Earth. Finally, Earth was at peace again and the being of light laid to rest the 4 scared beast in different directions.

Chapter 0: The Beginning

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by V3Rider96