A Pure Heart.
By melissathescaryone
  • Vampire
  • anime
  • betrayal
  • drama
  • fic
  • fiction
  • love
  • mafia
  • mystery
  • romance
  • supernatural
  • vampire


No memory, no family, and no way of knowing where she came from. The staff told her over and over again that gaining another family would help her more than waiting. Mao, a kind-hearted girl was a little too naive for the world right now. Even now, when she was eighteen in a couple of days left her alone in the world. If no one wanted her to start with... Why start now? He was a mob boss, but he had a sister and a sweet one at that. She chooses to dismiss the bad side and got to know the good. She was like that, hoping for the good. But everyone has to accept every side of there partner. What secrets lay with them both?

Cross Orphanage.

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A Pure He...
by melissathescaryone