Bhasha-e-Hind | Lan...
By IndianLegion
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[CLOSED] A land of glory, a land of antiquity, India. A history spanning more than 5000 years, there is no dearth of topics to discuss. What we bring here right now is a comprehensive knowledge about the different languages in use in this great and diverse land. Starting from the Indus Script way back, to a mature version of Sanskrit and Pali, and finally to the modern languages as we know today, we have so much to ponder upon. Yet, some of the most beautiful languages have gone extinct or are on the verge of being so. Isn't it imperative to preserve the dying languages and glorify the existing ones? Here at INDIAN LEGION, we bring to you Bhasha-e-Hind for exactly that purpose. Our team has diligently curated the importance and story of each of the languages. Do check it out if you are a history enthusiast or a literary fanatic.

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by IndianLegion