Valiant Harp
By ColinDunn3
  • Fantasy
  • 2008
  • action
  • adv
  • adventure
  • anabeth
  • angel
  • angels
  • assassin
  • awards
  • banish
  • breath
  • care
  • creatures
  • cry
  • dangour
  • death
  • demon
  • demons
  • entertainment
  • fair
  • fairy
  • fantasy
  • faries
  • fear
  • fiction
  • fire
  • fun
  • funny
  • future
  • games
  • girl
  • girls
  • harp
  • humour
  • hunger
  • kid
  • kidnapped
  • killing
  • lily
  • love
  • magic
  • mythacal
  • other
  • paranormal
  • powers
  • rebelion
  • revalution
  • slavery
  • stelth
  • sydney
  • tail
  • taking
  • teen
  • thriller
  • valiant
  • vampire
  • vampires
  • war
  • water
  • wattpad
  • wattpads
  • werewolf
  • wing
  • wings


Most would probably agree that the future paints an ugly picture of us all. So it was no surprise that people were being enslaved again in the year 2052. Canada has broken apart, provence by provence, and declared war on its self, it's always war isn't it? Lily Harp and her friends are furious, having endured hell and back, they fight for their freedom. And maybe they will survive...especially when you're a fairy and have special perks at your disposal; Flight, super fast movements, enhanced memory and vision. These are are just a few things that falls into Lily and her friends hands, but with good comes evil. Imagine a world filled with vampires, werewolves, banshees and more. A journey most certainly awaits... Book cover thanks to @IriSapphire

Valiant Harp - edited

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Valiant H...
by ColinDunn3