Not so simple
By arreykoinaamhai
  • Non-Fiction
  • discoveringyourself
  • mylife
  • reallife
  • rediscover
  • selfhelp
  • selflove
  • storyofmylife


Do you ever just hate a word with so much passion that all you can dream of is getting that word off the dictionary so that no one ever uses it! No? Too bad, cause I do! Mine happens to be "simple". All my life that has been the word people have defined me as. And the worst part being that when they mean it as a compliment! like how???!!! Anyway I am here trying to tell the world my story. So let me apologize for this won't be a romance story so great that it leeps you up at night! Or a coming of age novella where I discover myself and take you for an enthralling journey. It will simply be the story of my life for the people, who like me, dreams big dream and wants to have the world in their right hand. You can call it my personal journal which will record my life as it goes along, for the people who have read all the beautiful stories but never got to experience something, rather anything like that. Read it at you own risk for these are just the description of any mediocre day in a "simple" person's life from her own point of view and some jumbled up thoughts. Love, inosā£

20 September 2020, 12:21 p.m. Ist

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Not so si...
by arreykoinaamhai