RWBY: Upholding the...
By AgentOChaos
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • blakebelladona
  • gunfight
  • malereader
  • ozpin
  • parkour
  • pilot
  • rubyrose
  • rwby
  • sciencefiction
  • titan
  • titanfall2
  • weissschnee
  • yangxiaolong


"Well....This is new." "Pilot, I detect sarcasm." An SRS Pilot, Sergeant (Y/N) (L/N), and his Vanguard Class titan, AT-4774, find themselves on a new yet, strange world. But a piece of the past follows them. Now, it's up to the pilot and titan to do what they do best... "PROTOCOL TWO: UPHOLD THE MISSION." A RWBY-Titanfall crossover male insert. Keep note that romance may come. If not? Oh well. I do not own RWBY nor do I own Titanfall (No, I do not own you either....yet.) Rights go to Roosterteeth and Respawn, respectively. Have you seen their work, I encourage you to do so. Volume 1-6 of RWBY can be found on YouTube. Volume 7, on roosterteeth's website. Respawn's work can be found all over the internet and any game purchasing platform. Seriously, Titanfall 2 is $20 on Microsoft Store. It's literally $20 for the cure to depression. Sadly I do not know who made the book cover image. If you do know who, please notify me so I may pay them respects and credit.

The Pilot and his Titan

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RWBY: Uph...
by AgentOChaos