[ Warmest in Your A...
By akechisimp
  • Romance
  • fluff
  • leoni
  • melancholyresort
  • mere
  • mẹ
  • ocs
  • rể
  • wholesome
  • yuuki


{ Diary Entry 73 } { It is the 7th day we have been inside of this odd resort. I hate it here, most of the people are horrible as well, I do not understand to why I have partaken in such a horrible place. Whenever given the chance, I should've just killed someone and taken myself to run off. But this is different. There is this boy named Leoni. He is a wolf and the first time we met, he bit me because of animal instincts. Ever since, he has cared for me softly, and it was quite surprising how I loved it in his arms. He is so however warm, I long for his warmth sometimes. It's odd, and I can't explain. } The small boy was alerted by a small tap on the shoulder. '' Yuuki - Sama! What are you doing? '' '' Oh, nothing, Leoni. '' '' Let's go, then! '' '' Oh, alright. '' Have I finally fallen heads over heels?

Chapter 1 - Dreaming Days

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[ Warmest...
by akechisimp