The Folveshch
By FinnyH
  • Horror
  • 1920s
  • cannibal
  • creepy
  • creepypasta
  • disease
  • evil
  • horror
  • madness
  • mystery
  • myth
  • novella
  • paranormal
  • psychological
  • scary
  • supernatural
  • suspense
  • thriller
  • undead
  • winter


[Formerly Featured/Award-Winning Novella/#2 in Horror] There is something eerie about this village -- this hole of silent, maddened people. In 1922 my Papa told me of a faceless entity that lurks amongst us in our isolated slice of Russia. The locals have kept this horror alive for a century, though the only ones who claim to have seen the Folveshch have succumbed to a life of sightless silence. My name is Stefan Alyovich and the people around me are changing. They slip into worsening madness every winter, and I ask myself: how much longer before I'm the only sane one left? ... The only one left alone with the Folveshch. ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟- ↟ • 21,000 word novella • Rank #2 in Horror • Rank #4 in Mystery • Horror winner of Greatbelt U.F Award 2015 • CBY October Book of the Month 2014 • The Cryptic Awards Best Horror Winner 2017 • Wattpad HQ Winter Escapes Reading List • Wattpad HQ Stranger Things Reading List • Fright Top Horror/Featured Horror/Stranger Things Reading Lists • Mystery Paranormal Mystery Reading List • ThePurgeMovie Urban Legends Reading List • TheGallowsMovie Best of Thrillers Reading List • Blairwitchmovie Top Horror/Thriller Reading List • OuijaMovie Top Horror Reading List • IncarnateMovie Top Horror ↟- ↟ - ↟ - ↟- ↟- ↟ - ↟ - ↟ - ↟- ↟ - ↟ - ↟ - ↟ - ↟-

1. The Folveshch

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The Folve...
by FinnyH