Finding The Way {A...
By midnightowl
  • Fanfiction
  • amazing
  • black
  • cant
  • fanfiction
  • handle
  • harry
  • hogwarts
  • james
  • lily
  • lupin
  • potter
  • remus
  • sirius
  • trinket
  • waverly


***SEQUAL TO You Can’t Handle Me (A Sirius Black Love Story)*** Leo and Phoenix. Two orphaned, but otherwise normal kids who are friends with the scrawny, messy haired boy with glasses. But when the two find out the unimaginable, and go to Hogwarts, things are not quite as magical as they'd hoped. From good grades to bad. Quidditch to dueling. School crushes, to bullies, to trolls. For Leo and Phoenix, along with their friends, the next seven years of their lives are going to be anything but normal. And, the third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is going to change the way everyone in the wizarding community sees these troubled teens; no matter if they are top of the class, have fought Voldemorte in one form or another, or have helped The Boy Who Lived, their lives will never be the same. This summery sucks. _-*Sorry! Most of these chapters are unedited!*-_ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!MOST OF THIS STORY IS UNEDITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! March 18, 2013-- Teen Fiction #467 (Me when I saw this- *Jumping up and down on my bed holding my lap top squealing*) ***ALL CHATACTERS ARE PROPERTY OF J.K. ROWLING, EXPEPT PHOENIX, LEO, WEST AND WAVERLY~AND A FEW RANDOM CHARACTERS***COVER MADE BY BayMontana*********

Chapter 1: Harry

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Finding T...
by midnightowl