A light blonde haired man with brown highlights sighed as he rubbed at his temples. "What do I do..?" "H-Hide..?" a soft voice whispered from behind him, a weight slumping against his back. Rolling his eyes fondly, the man- Hide, chortled and turned around with a smile. "Woah," he exclaimed, "speak of the devil!" "Hide!" "Sorry, sorry, 'Neki!" Hide laughed as he felt a face nuzzle into his shoulder and hands clutch at his arm. "What's up?" He asked turning around. "Oh 'Neki..." Face softening, the man smiled genuinely. Behind him, in all her glory stood his lovely and heavily pregnant wife that he loves so. Hide watches gleefully as the woman's cheeks flushed and her grip on his arm tightened. "Well?" He hummed. Kaneki's flushed a brighter red as she stammered, "I-I'm hungry.."
{Kaneki's Hunger} Part 1