Make sure to have read When Worlds Collide before reading this! Peter couldn't shake it anymore. Ever since the day he found the drawing in his pocket, he had been questioning so many things. How did it get there? Who is Eri? Who are the other people in the drawing? In a desperate search for answers, Peter finally goes to Tony about it, but what he's about to discover is going to leave him speechless. Hey guys! I finally decided to start working on a sequel for When Worlds Collide! I hope this story lives up to my personal expectations, and all your expectations too! Enjoy! Warning, this story is intended for more mature audiences, as there are depictions of violence, and awkward subject matter that may make younger (and even some older) audience members uncomfortable. Reader discretion advised. Started: 7/2/2020 Finished: 4/4/2022 #1 in 616 as of: a while now - an hour later.
A new beginning